Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Green is For the Little People...

I meant to write about this a week or so ago, but didn't get around to it.

It's a story about one of them Silicon Valley douchebags who has more money than common sense. Money he probably got for providing the Obama Administration with my e-mails and phone records, and from selling shares of online companies that aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

Anyways, it seems that this doofus, who is what one might consider one of those extreme environMENTALists, did something which, quite frankly, is not all that shocking, but is indicative of the real thought processes behind most people who push a Green Agenda.

See, this asshole spent a few million bucks to have a section of Redwood Forest bulldozed, just so that he could have the Dungeons&Dragons-themed wedding the nerdy little fuck probably always wanted.

EnvironMENTALism isn't about saving Mother Gaia: it's about a bunch of self-selected elites getting to rape the planet in the name of saving it at everyone else's expense, and about telling others how they should live. In this guy's world, it's probably quite okay to destroy a two-thousand year old redwood to erect a mock up of Tintagel so you can play Knights of the Round Table on your wedding day, so long as you gave to the Audubon Society, Greenpeace, and the Obama campaign. What counts is your intent, not your actions.

The Catholic Church used to operate this way. They called it an indulgence, in which a rich man's money bought him forgiveness for his mortal sins.

The funny part about the modern version, is that the very people who behave like this probably consider the Catholic Church to be the most corrupt organization that ever existed.

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