Friday, March 25, 2011

The Klan and the Taliban ARE the Same Thing, But...

(Ed. Note: Throughout this stupidity the word 'Taliban' is used as a catch-all, and refers to any organization -- Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian Theocracy, Palestinian Authority, etc. -- that espouses a Radical Islamic view, or engages in terrorist activities).

With regards to some of the more frequently asked (by Libtards) questions surrounding the recent King Hearings on What Makes an American Jihadi:

Why aren't we asking questions about the Klan, instead of The Religion of Peace? Why are we focusing on the bad actions of a non-White people, and ignoring the terrible behavior of White people? Wouldn't this seem to indicate that (White) racism is still alive and well in America? And if racism is still alive and well in America, then aren't these hearings little more than the open expression of that (White) racism, directed against yet another minority group that has drawn the misdirected ire of (White) racists with bad intent, themselves?

The reason this line of questioning/reasoning has been adopted by the American Left is very easy to understand: Liberals, especially those with a vested interest in keeping the America-is-a-racist-country scam going, simply don't want anyone to ask questions about Islam, or about the methods by which young Muslim men are drawn into terrorist acts. Because obstruction and changing the subject ensures that no facts ever can be found. Once people are in possession of facts, meaningful, effective action can be taken, and the problem (hopefully) eliminated. Once this formula (ask-questions, get answers, formulate effective policies) is applied to the problem of Muslim radicalization, it's only a short hop-skip-and-a-jump before it's applied to some of the other problems of American society.

And therein lies the problem, if you're a Lefty or one of the parasites that the Leftards attract. The answers (mostly rooted in Common Sense) to those questions would, literally, destroy the foundation of Modern Progressive Liberalism (three lies for the price of one) because it would expose the true intent of those who profess it's commandments with the loudest voices; the creation of a society wherein those who are politically connected or possessed of the proper political, educational, racial and ethnic 'credentials' get to run a society for their own, personal benefit.

If you really want to see how the 'system' designed by Liberals is intended to work (i.e. that is, intended to fail in such spectacular ways as to create popular sentiments calling for further government control of everything from private property to healthcare), then I suggest you find yourself a copy of James Burnham's The Managerial Revolution, and settle in for a (no pun intended) terrifyingly informative read. Racial and ethnic politics is the Progressive Moron's main tool in the fight to keep himself comfortable by means of someone else's misery.

But, back to our original question: Is the Klan the equivalent of the Taliban?

I've thought about this, and done a bit of research, and the answer is...YES...and...NO.

To begin with, the Klan and Taliban are exactly the same in these regards: both are built upon a foundation of extreme chauvinism. Both use murder and the threat of violence to advance their causes. The two are virtually indistinguishable from one another in virtually every aspect of their politics, religious views, anti-Semitism, ethnic snobbery, and the stupidity of their footsoldiers (i.e. inbred, mentally-challenged dupes who couldn't find their own asses with both hands and a flashlight).

There is but one difference between the Klan and Taliban:

The Klan, largely, has ceased to exist.

That is not to say that racism doesn't continue to exist, because it most certainly does. So long as human beings are at least capable of being aware of the differences between people, no matter how slight, racism will continue to endure. As a race -- the Human Race, that is -- we can't help ourselves. Man may be Master of the Planet, he may have split the atom, broken the Sound Barrier, and conquered Measles, but he still has not managed to control the more dubious aspects of his own Nature and Stupidity.

As for the Klan, it was killed a very long time ago (or at least mortally wounded), and while there are still isolated pockets hanging on here or there, you don't see people walking around in their laundry burning crosses, or having necktie parties... unless they happen to be in a Labor Union... these days. The reasons for this are:

1. American Society has Evolved: We're not perfect people, but we're much better than we were 400 years ago. We're even better than we were 50 years ago. We live in a society which celebrates even the most brain-dead achievements of people regardless of skin color, and which puts no official or legal barriers in the way of anyone who wishes to better their lot in life. For every Willie Horton, I'll show you a Neil Degrasse Tyson. For every Mumia, I'll show you a Russell Simmons. For every Al Sharpton, I'll show you a Ward Connerly, and raise you a Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and a Condoleeza Rice.

Hell, I'll go All-In, and raise you a Barack Obama.

The cultural conditions under which the Klan once thrived no longer exist; most people would be more embarrassed to be seen in the company, or even thought to be in the company, of such people and such a discredited mindset they'd almost rather be falsely accused of being a pedophile. It's not just a matter of people adopting more fashionable attitudes, either, it's the realization that such notions as racial supremacy simply should not dominate the thoughts and actions of decent people anymore. They have better things to do than to waste their time on such stupidity, and because they've seen the tragic and disgusting results such mindsets create when they are a) excused, and b) perpetuated, and we won't stand for them anymore.

In fact, where there are circumstances which are dominated by questions of race (i.e. instances of what the Professional Grievance Lobby calls 'Institutional Racism') we're most likely to find the source of all that rancor contains one (and often, all) of the following ingredients:

a) Ignorance
b) Political advantage
c) At least one act of Congress
d) a Battalion of Lawyers, Civil Rights Activists, Busybodies, Professional Douchebags, all fighting for a government grant.

2. Cross-Pollination: There was a time when 'Separate-but-Equal' may have been the Law of the Land in some parts of America but that is a thing of the past, and even in the days when it was the Golden Rule, people routinely ignored the Law if it didn't suit their purposes or tastes. Even in the days of Slavery it was not uncommon for people of different races and classes to form bonds of friendship and mutual respect. I don't mean to imply that such circumstances were the Rule rather than the Exception, but they were a lot more common than most of us really know, or even care to admit.

We live in a country and within a culture that is the direct result of these person-to-person contacts and recognition of our shared humanity. To believe otherwise is to ignore the evidence right in front of your own nose. Even in times of the most obscene and blatant racism, individuals still formed bonds and alliances that transcended official diktat, or societal norms.

How different this country would be if no white people enjoyed the music of Louis Armstrong? How many would have died had Charles Drew not discovered the process of separating blood plasma, and had his discovery judged by the cold, clinical process of medical science rather than by Jim Crow? Would we be the same people if Muhammad Ali had remained Cassius Clay and not reminded us of both our moral and ethical obligations towards one another, while still exemplifying the triumph of the individual? Would we be the same people if Jim Thorpe, Jesse Owens, Carlos Santana, Maya Lin, or Mae Jemmison had never existed, or weren't permitted to make the best of their opportunities, or even denied the opportunity to make any contribution to our common life and culture?

The fact is that Hyphenated-this-that-or-the-other History is American History. These sub-cultures are all part-and-parcel of American Culture. One hundred years ago if a group of whites were caught dancing to 'N*gger Music" their society would have taken drastic -- often deadly -- measures to 'protect the Children' from a pernicious (in their own minds) influence. Nowadays, how many white kids do you know who don't know Snoop's rhymes, who don't wear baggy clothing, or who wouldn't want to emulate the success of P. Diddy (or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days)?

What would a Blue Blooded New England Money family say 50 years ago if Reginald Augustus Primrose-Twitt III decided to marry Consuela Coocheefritos from San Juan? What would be the reaction then if Sweet Polly Purebred brought Rayquan home to meet the family? Do those attitudes persist to this day? I'm sure they still do. But do they still exist to the same extent? Are Raul, Sven, or Antwaan in danger of being scooped up off of the street, in the dead of night, and dragged off to be brutally executed in order to 'send a message' to them Uppity ______ about reaching for forbidden fruit, for attempting to be something he isn't, or for daring to cross some invisible line that 'destroys' the old distinctions between 'Civilization' and 'Barbarism' ?

The 'sub-cultures', White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Italian, Irish, Swedish are now inseparable. They've been in contact with one another for so long that they have melded together to form something greater than the sum of their parts. Yes, there are still frictions, but these are typically minor concerns, mostly reconciled peacefully, and without resort to IED's, hijacked airliners-cum-WMDs, or lynchings. In the grand scheme of things, in America, the Melting Pot still works....when it's allowed to, free from Progressive Libtard interference.

I often think of Malcolm X's oft-repeated mantra that "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock...Plymouth Rock landed on us...", and can't help but think that such an utterance is a (probably-unintentional) double-edged sword. It's intent was to call attention to the hypocrisy of a white society that failed to live up to it's own rhetoric about freedom and equality -- fair enough --but there is a deeper truth that can be taken from that pronouncement; you may have come from Africa, El Salvador, Russia, or China, but you now find yourself in a completely different culture which plays by different rules. If you wish to truly be a part of the Great American Experiment -- fuck, there's plenty of room for you on the bandwagon -- you have to check some of your cherished Ur-cultural beliefs (hang-ups) at the door; we often find wonders in diversity (not by the definition employed by the of douchebags looking for quick-and-easy legal settlements and money), but our true strength derives from a commonality in belief in certain, core principles.

I would even go as far to say that even though this is still a culture dominated by the ideals of White Europeans, it's still capable of making concessions and compromises, incorporating those that work, ejecting those that don't, and re-crafting itself on a continuous basis.

America hasn't always had clean hands, nor has it always lived up to it's stated ideals, but we, as a People, always strive to improve ourselves and our nation, and part of that process demands that at some point distinctions based upon Race and Religion have to be thrown away for the common good, or even in the name of simple utility. Some came to America as refugees, some were dragged here in chains, others arrived here eager to have a chance of personal success, and while that promise hasn't always been fulfilled for all, creating the conditions under which they can be realized is still an activity that is front-and-center in most aspects of American Life.

Organizations like the Klan or the Taliban are antithetical to such notions as personal ability being the key to success, of freedoms, of the idea that things can be perfected without having to kill your enemies, real or imagined. So far as they are concerned, God has set the World in it's current state and order, Man cannot change the world because to do so would be to question the Will of God. Man's purpose is only to do the Will of God, and to Maintain the World as God Created, Ordered and Commanded it.

3. Sunlight: The Klan eventually went too far, even for some of it's more adamant supporters, and brought upon themselves the scrutiny -- and repudiation -- of a public which questioned the morality of what they had done, and what they stood for. This scrutiny ensured that the full force of American public opinion, the Legal System, The Press, and Religious/Ethical imperatives were brought to bear upon them. They were investigated. They were infiltrated. The Greater Public was made aware of who they were, what they thought, what they did, and how they did it. The actions and thought processes of the Klan were exposed to the merciless light of day, and what America found hiding in those dark corners both astonished and disgusted us. The hue and cry went up that this sort of stupidity had no place in American life. Slowly-but-surely, the Klan was taken a part at it's joints.

You would be hard pressed nowadays to collect more than a handful of open Klan members at any gathering, even if you offered free sheets, blowjobs, and ice-cold beer. And if there were to be any substantial gathering of Klansmen in the public square, there would be a larger -- and angrier -- gathering of people opposed to to them. The Klansmen would be shouted off the streets. They would be harassed by an angry populace. They would be investigative-reporter-ed to death. In the age of the Internet, instantaneous communications, and handy gadgets that make every American a potential informant, the Klan couldn't organize a game of checkers in a broom closet without drawing attention to itself and bringing down the wrath of the American Public.

We know who they are. We know what they're doing, and saying, and thinking, and when you know the Who-What-Where-When-How and Why, you have already half-way defeated your enemy. The other half of that defeat stems from a population of well-intentioned human beings who are willing to stand up and say "Not here, Jim Bob (or Muhammad)...we don't like that shit, and we'll kick your inbred Cracker (Sandflea-riddled) ass if you even think of trying it..."

I knew a Southern Lady who once told me that despite the bad reputation of the Klan, and the terrible things it did, it still "managed to do some good". I found that statement somewhat ridiculous, and asked her to explain. She replied that, in the Old Days, the Klan served some vital social functions in the rural south; they took care of veterans, took care of cemeteries, went after deadbeat dads and forced them to live up to their obligations, sobered up the local drunks. There was never any drug dealing, and very little crime in the community, they hounded the prostitutes out of town (presumably after making copious use of their services?), they made sure people showed up at church (unless they burned the church down, of course). Naturally, they only performed these vital services for you if you were white, but that's splitting hairs, ain't it?

Well, I'm perfectly certain that the Taliban does these things, too, in their own ways, and we know that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Saudi Wahabbis and the rest of the assholes follow suit. But in both cases (Klan and Taliban) the ultimate purpose is not to 'do good', it's simply a way to continually recruit a new generation of members who will perpetuate their insanity. It's called 'Public Relations', and the fact that the Klan had 'good PR' amongst one group doesn't erase the fact that they were murdering thugs intent on constructing a society that was under their total control at the expense of another group.

Had society been informed of only 'the good things the Klan did' -- and kept ignorant of the bad stuff --there would still be legions of doofuses out there in their sheets, burning down churches, hanging people, threatening politicians and newspapermen, and committing a vast array of crimes. The Klan may have started out as the (self-appointed) protectors of a unique Southern Heritage, but it quickly devolved into a murderous Criminal Enterprise. All the same things about 'the good' were said to various extents about the Mafia, the Chinese Triads, The Irish Gangs of the West Side -- and all were considered the enemies of the Common Good-- so you'd better damned well look into the activities of the Klan, and the Islamic Groups who are it's Modern-day inheritors. I don't care if Hamas feeds every Palestinian Prime Rib and Red Velvet Cake three meals a day; they also massacre sleeping infants, lob mortar rounds into public swimming pools, and mangle their daughter's vaginas. We subjected the Klan to close, careful scrutiny and we continue to do it, because those sorts of activities fly in the face of our beliefs in the sovereign rights of the individual -- the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Sunlight would do the same thing and disarm Radical Islamofascism. It would concentrate all sorts of resources, moral, spiritual, ethical, legal, academic, military, to stopping the slaughter and mayhem such an ideology produces. Once you know the Who-What-Where-When-How-and-Why, the threat they pose to peaceful, lawful society is lessened, and perhaps is even sent on it's merry way to becoming little more than a bad memory. Societies which do not investigate, question, or attempt to learn from their mistakes, or arrest their more onerous impulses, are societies that die quickly and quietly in chains, both real and intellectual.

The 'great shame' of investigating the roots of Islamic Terrorism is not that someone might be singled out, or that the process may become the harbinger of some great totalitarianism, but that in avoiding it, for whatever reason, we're dooming an entire nation and culture -- the greatest yet constructed by human beings -- to destruction, not by lunatics with bombs, but by a fear of what the investigations might uncover, and the application of it's techniques and discoveries to other areas of American life.

When a liberal democrat or intellectual screams 'racism' and 'what about that other group of bad people...' they're not so much applying the flawed theory of moral relativism, or even making an attempt to be intellectually honest, they're telling you there's something there that they don't want you to know. Mostly, they don't want you to know how such stupidity usually has the Progressive's fingerprints all over it, and how you've managed to pay for it all (and how they got a cut) without your knowledge.

On this very page, I have screamed for the massacre of Muslims by the millions and been accused of racism because of it. First, 'Muslim' is not a race, and second, Islam is not a religion; it is a military code which excuses the worst excesses of it's followers, provided the victims aren't Muslim (and even then, the Islamic world has found a variety of means by which to slip even this thinnest of prohibitions when it suits their purposes). The Muslim is expected to remain in a state of perpetual warfare against The Enemies of God, and is given license to rape, murder, enslave and steal from anyone not part of his little group. In fact, God commands him to do these things; God says that's his birthright, you see.

Islam makes no distinctions other than 'Us' and 'Them', and neither did the KKK. It doesn't look for 'Moderate' Infidels anymore than the Klan had a list of "N*ggers we're cool with".

So, as far as I'm concerned, we're not at war with a 'radical element', nor are we in conflict with a few misguided souls who managed to read the Koran in upside down fashion; we're at war with a society which believes it is their right, and it's obligation, to kill us for it's own benefit. The faster we understand that and the quicker we get around to defeating such a deadly thought process, the better off we are as a society. Holding hearings into what causes a computer programmer to wire his Jeep Cherokee into a weapon of mass destruction is the key to ensuring that his brand of stupidity doesn't cost any of us our lives, or any more of our freedoms.

The Klan thought and acted in much the same way as the Islamofascists. That they are no longer as active, or as-deadly, an element in American society started with someone asking the most basic of all questions:


When you live in a society which tries to prevent you from asking "Why?" -- by playing crass politics, by making false accusations of racism, creating rifts between people and communities, by manipulating emotions -- then deep, perhaps even dangerous, truths are probably being kept from us, and for all intents and purposes we'll eventually find ourselves to be no different from the Klan or the Taliban in the very near future, and just about every conceivable way.

Update: Edited for spelling/grammar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One small quote from your diatribe, of many that I agree with, and could cite… and might… but I’ll try and not blatantly plagiarize you. And if I do, like a good musician, I’ll slightly change the chord structure, and the tempo… and the ignorami hopefully won’t notice.

The following ties into your outlook, and though it’s a bit redundant, here it is:

Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: “Slavery, Terrorism and
Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.”

“Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form,
it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.”

“Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and
‘military components’. The religious component is a ‘beard’ for all of the
other components.”

“Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a
country to agitate for their religious privileges.”

“When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse
societies (the US) agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some
of the other components tend to creep in as well.”

There’s much more, but submitting it would be stating what you already seem to know anyway… and what many others blind themselves to.

It’s unfortunate for us all, that it’s going to take another 911 type attack, or much worse, to wake up the blissfully ignorant. I fully believe that this scenario is inevitable. Your readers might be enriched by doing a search on the net for… the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

The following is a dictate by the benevolent “Brotherhood” to Muslims in the US, regarding their God ordered duty in the Americas:

“The process of settlement (of Islam in the United States) is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all the word means. The Ikhwan (Muslim brothers) must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in “eliminating and destroying” the Western civilization from within, and "sabotaging" their “miserable house” by their hands and the hands of the believers, so that it is “eliminated”, and God's religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack."