Monday, June 21, 2010

This is Why We Don't Want a Fucking Mosque Here...

...because we're still finding body parts nine years after September, 11th.

The MAS can complain about racism all it wants, but until it recognizes what has been done by their co-religionists-- to this community -- they will never understand the hostility. Of course, the MAS will never recognize what other Muslims have done, because that would mean they would have to bear the burden and shame themselves, or worse, question the motives of their phony-baloney deity.

Personally, I'm still wondering why, after a decade of a War on Terror, there are still Muslims left alive anywhere, let alone in my neck of the woods. If George Bush had just listened to me all those years ago, every Muslim in the Middle East would have been killed already and replaced by bio-engineered amoeba that eat sand and crap crude oil. Hell, the beaches in Florida might still be pristine, and BP would be a good investment right now, if he'd just taken my advice! We would have avoided the greatest environMENTAL catastrophe in American history, and Barack Obama would be cleaning the toilets on the night shift at McDonald's, the first and only real job he might ever have had. But I digress...

Take the hint, MAS: don't go where you're not wanted, and stop insisting that you have the "right" to do so. Around here, that kind of attitude only gets you your ass kicked.

Here's more on the protests from this past weekend.

But, here's my favorite form of protest, thus far -- Boycott the Basket.

Yep. I've always said that if you wanted to change someone's attitude, attack his wallet. It always worked on Wall Street, and it for damned sure works even faster for the Catholic Church. Cardinal Egan must have had a heart attack when he opened his paper this morning and saw that sign. A few Sundays of empty collection plates, and I'll bet the Archdiocese will have one of those "Saul on the Road to Damascus" moments, and then find some excuse to get out of this deal.

Now, if we could just find a way to defund Islam...

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