Thursday, May 20, 2010

Waiting for Someone To Yell "Nigger!"...

With regards to the fears of "racial profiling" that have been voiced over the new Arizona immigration law;


We have Muslim guys driving explosive-laden SUV's around my Hometown, shooting up our military bases, trying to blow up airliners with their underwear, and trying their level-best to kill thousands of innocents, but to mention the conjunction of so many extraordinary coincidences (terrorist, person of color, Muslim) is taboo in a way that it will get you rebuked and vilified by Keith Olberman and the Attorney General of the United States.

We have African-American guys running around New York City in colored bandannas, flashing gang signs, running drugs and shooting each other up in the open, but if you should happen to draw parallels between dress, race, and activities, you're engaging in stereotyping, which is bad juju -- even if it happens to be provably true. Reverend Al and Charles Baron, and a legion of brain-dead welfare recipients,will be on your doorstep for daring to point out the glaringly obvious, to threaten and harass you with impunity...and lots of media attention.

As Ann Coulter has said forever (paraphrasing), you can't use racial profiling to catch criminals/terrorists -- but somehow it's perfectly alright to use it to determine who gets into Harvard Law.

Racial Profiling is a fact of life (because it works!). However, the only people in America who can be safely (free from criticism and lawsuit) racially profiled nowadays are usually Conservative Caucasian Males. You'd think otherwise from all the Sturm und Drang of the "Oppressed Classes", but this is now all too obviously true. Need proof? Try this one on for size:

We now know that the last failed attempt to blow up New York City was made by a Pakistani immigrant, who is now suspected of having ties to the Pakistani Army, and who trained in an Al'Qaeda training camp. He has traveled to Pakistan several times in the last few years, often staying for months at a time. He has ties to a known radical Islamic "cleric". To suggest that Islam and Terrorism go hand-in-glove will get you morally censored in Polite Society. But, if you listened to the news reports in during the crisis, everyone from the dopey anchors at MSNBC, to the Obamatards at DHS. to the Mayor (Bloomberg), and a U.S. Senator (Schumer), were insisting that the attempted bomber just HAD to be a disgruntled white guy who "fit the description" which went something like this:

Extreme Right winger, middle-aged White male loner, probably in the Tea Party movement, and disgruntled by the Enlightened Policies of God...errr...Barak Obama.

Except for the one U.S. Congressman (King) who broke formation to say the perpetrator was just pissed off at South Park. I'm glad we have such Rhodes Scholars running the country.

They all did/said these things within a few hours (sometimes minutes) of the attempt, before any facts had come into their possession. It was speculation, and it's indicative of the stupidity that is prevalent amongst our "Ruling Classes", and also the complete, upside-down nature of the racial debate in America these days; you can, without proof, pin the blame on a non-existent wacky White Guy, but don't you dare to suggest that crowd of black teenagers walking behind you with menace might not be on their way home from choir practice, or that a bomb left in a high-profile target area might be the work of Islamic Extremists. Nowadays, the assumption of complete innocence is being bestowed upon Hispanics with regards to Immigration. It's "their turn", I guess.

It's perfectly acceptable in Today's America to profile the White Guy as the Greatest Danger (wasn't it the Obama Administration's Homeland Security folks who warned the greatest danger to American is the returning PTSD-addled Iraq War veteran?), but the Border Crosser is just a hard-working soul who means no harm to society. During the last attempted NYC bombing there were careless references to Tim McVeigh, the Klan, White Militias, the (now apparently-innocent) Hutaree made, before the Chattering Classes finally had to confess their disappointment that the culprit was, indeed, another Person of Color of Indeterminate Religious Persuasion. The same people find it easy to criticize Whitey with no proof of being racist, but conveniently neglect the kidnappings, drug running, human trafficking, rampant crime and overflowing emergency rooms that characterizes much of the Illegal Immigration question. The Media and our Politicians link everyone with an opinion that runs counter to Obama's Blessed Vision as a bomb-throwing extremist -- but they all look as if they're about to wet themselves if they have to say the words "Radical Islam", "Black Criminal" or "Illegal Alien".

Concerning "Racial Profiling"; there was a time in America when the police using "profiling" was known by another name. It used to be called "The Cops Doing Their Jobs", and it was a useful tool in the fight against crime. All police officers profile (don't let anyone tell you differently); it's all about recognizing certain patterns of behavior and and circumstances and then drawing inferences from them based upon experience. They just "know" that certain people who fit a certain profile are probably involved in something wrong.

Are the cops always right? No. Sometimes that scantily clad woman at the stoplight, talking up the stopped motorists, is really just a chick who's car broke down on the way to a costume party, and she's trying to beg a ride. Sometimes, that guy in the hoodie didn't steal the television he's carrying; he just brought over to his friend's house so they could watch the big game on a sweeter rig. Sometimes, the black guy in dreadlocks in the High-end Mercedes isn't a drug dealer, but the son of a prominent doctor. The Cops can sometimes be wrong, but they are usually correct much more often.

The idea that the police "harass" certain groups of people for "doing nothing" (euphemism: "driving while _______" or "doing a job an American won't do") is a false one. If a police officer is hassling you, he probably has a reason to do so (unless he's a complete wackjob). Most cops have better things to do than the extra paperwork, and their job is already dangerous and unpredictable enough as it is, without having to actually manufacture more danger by instigating something without a reason. But, we're getting off the real topic here.

There is a segment of the population, prevalent amongst the old "Civil Rights" set, which has long made a living off of creating a controversy where none exists, a phenomenon I've heard referred to as "Waiting for Someone To Yell Nigger". It basically means there are people out there who are entirely all-too-ready to put a racial spin on anything in order to exploit the grievance gravy train, or the political spoils system. People like this are like ambush predators; they lay in wait, until someone strays from the herd of Political Correctness, to say or do something which can be (deliberately) misconstrued, just so they can file a lawsuit, start a picket line, twist a congresscritter's arm, riot in the streets, and make someone (usually White Guys) "pay". If no one obliges them and actually yells "Nigger!", then they try to find some way to insinuate that you're at least thinking it and everybody knows it, anyway (i.e. Institutional Racism).

It's a well-established pattern, and it's been made use of by every political/racial group on the planet -- Blacks, Feminists, Gays, American Indians, Muslims -- and now it about to be used by Hispanics in regard to this new Arizona Immigration Law.

You know how you can tell this is one of those times when outrage is being manufactured for political gain? When the three people who should be the most concerned about the subject -- The President of the United States, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Secretary of Homeland Security -- can all admit they haven't read the law, but they feel the need to scream "racism!" before it even goes into effect, and expect to be taken seriously.

The scheme is based upon the old adage that the "Squeaky Wheel Always Gets the Grease".

Well, the Squeaky Wheels have been greased so often that each successive Squeak has -- by necessity - to be louder and more outrageous than the last, and many of the more infamous attempts of recent years have quickly been exposed for what they were; shams and contrivances of convenience. This only makes the folks with the Grease all the less likely to applying it tot he next Squeaky Wheel. The Squeaking over Illegal Immigration is about to get louder, and shriller, and expect to see those who disagree with the view that it's perfectly legal to violate a nation's sovereignty, and then steal from it, get further tarred with the Racist label, and worse. Those who want the problem of illegal immigration fixed, for good, will be called Nazi, Fascist, Baby Killer, Puppy Kicker, Slave Master, and far worse. The Pro-Immigration side will engage in the basest of stereotyping and racial profiling -- all the while claiming the moral high ground and accusing their opponents of the same. The hyperbole will completely destroy the credibility of their own arguments, but it won't really matter; they'll still be taken seriously by the Press and political establishment -- which largely agrees with or earns a living off of them, will cover for them, or which maybe even does their bidding.

After all, we all know how terrible White Guys are...all potential terrorists, you know.

The Squeaky Wheels have yet to realize that The Only People in America You Can Racially Profile Safely in the United States have run out of Grease, and are considering a search for a new Wheel. This might be the last chance to put the White Guy in his place for a long time to come, if ever. The Other Side hasn't realized that the old arguments about "racism" are on their last legs. Those arguments worked when society was still capable of feeling guilt and shame, and when there was an actual moral foundation to the charges. But not anymore. Few nowadays, are ever responsible for anything. Few are expected to take the feelings and needs of their fellow citizens into consideration anymore. The Race Card had been played until its gotten all ragged, and dog-eared and faded, and you see it coming out of the deck before it's ever dealt.

People are hurting economically, our Government is about to spend us all into eternal poverty -- when it doesn't plan to steal from us -- our lives are being regimented and re-ordered like never before, our activities are being scrutinized like never before. The people who have been put upon the most in order to build Brave New World -- the ones who actually pay for it -- are fed up. It just a coincidence that the first test will be over Illegal Immigration.

So expect White Guy to push back -- on immigration, on affirmative action, gay marriage, on a range of issues in which White Guy is simply expected to surrender his rights and freedoms, and cash, and someone else gets to enjoy the benefits just because they can cry louder. That won't work anymore.

We've reached a point in American history where White Guy is sick of being portrayed as a lunatic fringer, of being blamed for every evil past, present, and future, and tired of being set upon by politicians, pundits, racial hucksters and tax collectors. His ears have been wearied by those who scream about their "rights", and somehow forget that White Guy is supposed to have some, too

The next time I see eleven Mexicans in a rusty van, I'm calling the cops. You've been warned. Yelling "Beaner!" is a tactic that simply won't work anymore.

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